Material: Solid softwood “Obeche”
Dimension: 60×1,5 cm 24″x0,6″
Height: 60 cm 24″
Max Canvas Dimensions: 50×50 cm 19,5″x19,5″
Material: Solid softwood “Obeche”
Dimension: 60×1,5 cm 24″x0,6″
Height: 60 cm 24″
Max Canvas Dimensions: 50×50 cm 19,5″x19,5″
The art. TE-01 is a batik frame 50×50 cm for batik and silk painting. Ideal for the technique of painting on fabric. A wooden frame made of soft wood that allows easy penetration of claw hooks, plastic headed or three-pointed drawing pins. Composed of 4 rods, comb milled every 45 mm. The large profile makes this Silk Painting Stretcher Frame very stable. The batik frame of Cappelletto is available in 3 sizes and it is easily adjustable through the different joints. Its structure can entirely be assembled without the use of any screw, only by component to joint. Maximum usable dimension: 50×50 cm (19,5″x19,5″). Other formats available 90×90 and 130×130 cm.
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CAPPELLETTO S.R.L. – Sede legale VIA MARGHERA 9 CAP 31033 CASTELFRANCO VENETO (TV) | Numero REA TV – 227826 – Codice fiscale 03211320266 – Capitale sociale 100.000,00 euro