Material: Oiled beech wood
Weight: 1,7 kg 3,7 lbs
Dimension: 43×33 cm 17″x13″
Thickness: 6,3 cm 2,48″
Material: Oiled beech wood
Weight: 1,7 kg 3,7 lbs
Dimension: 43×33 cm 17″x13″
Thickness: 6,3 cm 2,48″
The art. CA-3 is a colour box closure “coulisse” of Cappelletto made in solid oiled beech and of dimension 43 x 33 cm (17″ x 13″). The colour box of Cappelletto has internal wood dividers for dividing the space. It is an ideal product for painting “en plain air” as well as indoor, it is useful in schools to put in place colours, varnish, brushes and other tools as painting knives, cloth, etc. A walnut palette fits neatly inside and it has a brown flat handle. It is a lightweight colour box suitable for the transport outdoors thanks to its convenient handle. Handmade in Italy.
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CAPPELLETTO S.R.L. – Sede legale VIA MARGHERA 9 CAP 31033 CASTELFRANCO VENETO (TV) | Numero REA TV – 227826 – Codice fiscale 03211320266 – Capitale sociale 100.000,00 euro