Materials: 0iled stain resistant beech wood
Weight: 1 kg 2,20 lbs
Base Dimension: 35×25 cm 14”x10”
Height: 70 cm 28”
Max Canvas Height: 65 cm 26”
Shelf: 2,7 cm 1″ (Capacity)
Materials: 0iled stain resistant beech wood
Weight: 1 kg 2,20 lbs
Base Dimension: 35×25 cm 14”x10”
Height: 70 cm 28”
Max Canvas Height: 65 cm 26”
Shelf: 2,7 cm 1″ (Capacity)
The Cappelletto PT-23 is a canvas holder, carrier for stretched canvas of oiled beech wood, with a low price. It is equipped with a PVC/steel handle to make the lifting and moving of finished canvases easier thus allowing the pigments to dry safely. Carrying capacity up to 4 canvases of 2 different heights with a maximum height of 65 cm (26″). The 2 adjustable top brackets each have 2 padded slots each holding a canvas up to 2,7 cm (1″) thick. The PT-23 is easy to transport and can be taken apart by means of thumbscrews. Ideal for the use in the countryside and suitable for storage and preservation in shops, workshops, ateliers, museums, art galleries.
The PT-23 is delivered in kit form, with instructions for an easy assembling.
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CAPPELLETTO S.R.L. – Sede legale VIA MARGHERA 9 CAP 31033 CASTELFRANCO VENETO (TV) | Numero REA TV – 227826 – Codice fiscale 03211320266 – Capitale sociale 100.000,00 euro