Material: Composite board
Weight: 1,26 kg 2,78 lbs
Dimensions: 57×63 cm 22”x25”
Thickness: 0,3 cm 0,12″
Material: Composite board
Weight: 1,26 kg 2,78 lbs
Dimensions: 57×63 cm 22”x25”
Thickness: 0,3 cm 0,12″
SB-2 is a sketching clipboard of Cappelletto with rounded edges and corners. It is a great portable painting surface. It features an easy carry handle and two sturdy clip which securely holds artwork or pad up to 2,5 cm (0,98″) thickness. It has one rubber band. Not recommended for use with watercolour tape. Elasticated retaining band helps secure larger pieces of paper. Made from composite board to provide smooth drawing surface. It is hangable on the wall, useful for writing, drawing, put sticky notes. Sturdy smooth surface for sketching. It has one rubber band.
Board measures 57 x 63 cm (22″ x 25″). There are two other SB: SB-0 , SB-1.
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CAPPELLETTO S.R.L. – Sede legale VIA MARGHERA 9 CAP 31033 CASTELFRANCO VENETO (TV) | Numero REA TV – 227826 – Codice fiscale 03211320266 – Capitale sociale 100.000,00 euro