
Dal miglior legno di faggio… stanno per iniziare le lavorazioni. Nasceranno così altri oggetti senza tempo al servizio dell’arte e della creatività.

















































First quality fagus














CAPPELLETTO technical partner of GRAnDE festival

logoGRANDEFESTIVALCAPPELLETTO technical partner of GRAnDE festival, dedicated to GRAphic DEsign that will be held in Castelfranco Veneto in the next days from 13 to 15 April 2018.

Dense calendar of events, workshops and talks. During the GRAnDE Festival, precisely on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15, it will be possible to participate to workshops, talks and meetings held by big professionals of GRAphic DEsign, such as Lorenzo Marini, Riccardo Falcinelli, Francesco Morace, Alessandro Ubertis, Bob Liuzzo and many others. Some happening are at the Civic Tower of Castelfranco Veneto.

Each edition of the festival will deal with a significant graphic design theme. The theme of the first edition is POSITIVE SUSTAINABILITY.

LOGO GRANDE FESTIVALThe events scheduled on the days of the GRAndDE Festival will help to reflect on the concepts of eco-compatibility, eco-efficiency, eco-sustainability, resource saving, ethical consumption. Through the contribution of sociologists, economists, philosophers, journalists, entrepreneurs and communication professionals we will try to arrive at a synthesis of the concept of sustainability in Graphic Design. LOGO GRANDE FESTIVAL 3










For more information visit the official website of the festivalwww.grandefestival.it


Trends 2018-2019

Seen at Trends 2018-2019 #Creativeworld.
 The Gardener: creative inspiration from flora and fauna


Trends 2018-2019  Nice to see how the Cappelletto #Studio_Easels have been used to express the idea of one of the Trends 2018-2019.
Nature is a rich source of creative inspiration. Leaves, blossoms, herbs, insects and landscapes are the motifs of The Gardener for designs, three-dimensional images or embroidercfty templates. Moreover, the variety of leaves is an invitation to be creative.
Sensuous and relaxed, The Gardener stands out through its natural variety offering inspiration and new motifs for all creative activities.

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