Trends 2018-2019

Seen at Trends 2018-2019 #Creativeworld.
 The Gardener: creative inspiration from flora and fauna


Trends 2018-2019  Nice to see how the Cappelletto #Studio_Easels have been used to express the idea of one of the Trends 2018-2019.
Nature is a rich source of creative inspiration. Leaves, blossoms, herbs, insects and landscapes are the motifs of The Gardener for designs, three-dimensional images or embroidercfty templates. Moreover, the variety of leaves is an invitation to be creative.
Sensuous and relaxed, The Gardener stands out through its natural variety offering inspiration and new motifs for all creative activities.

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Paint your brush…!

Paint your brush..!

Paint your brush..! 

Creativity has no limits! We have seen this @UNITED_ARTISTS Association of international creative people. Find them at:


Artisti di grande talento e di fama internazionale con i quali amiamo collaborare perchè si arricchisce così la nostra esperienza e conoscenza delle loro esigenze. Il pensiero creativo merita rispetto sempre, anche per il fatto che esso spesso  esca dalle regole e dal conformismo.

The collaboration with the most talented artists in the world enriches our experience and knowledge to better understand their demands. Creative thinking deserves always respect, also because it goes often beyond rules and conformity.

Claudio Malacarne CappellettoSTUDIO EASELS CAPPELLETTO












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